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v.3.0 Lite Developed!
-Fix allowed usergroups to see notifications bar
-Allow mulitple languages/UTF-8/Latin to work w/notifications
-Add private message notifications
-Option in admincp for admin to remove vBulletin default notifications system and replace entire system with Notifications
-Private Message Notifications stay on top
-Change color of links to a different color than text surrounding links
-Less notifications
-Better optimziation
-Compatible with UTF-8
Be sure to read the
manual There are major differences from 2.0 to 3.0 installation
Upgrading from a previous version:
1) Uninstall any version of Notifications version from product manager.
2) Install new .xml
3) Overwrite all files
4) Remove previous live notifications CSS and replace it with new in additional.css
5)Remember to set usergroups for use
Mark as Installed