> Take a look at newthread.php.
Thanks for the tip. It didn't have everything needed, but got me started. I don't know if anyone else could use this code, but thought I'd post it at least .. some times you just got to give sump'm back.
===== NewsBot Code Begins ======
echo "Running auto posting process ... ";
$dbhost = "localhost"; // dbServer
$dbuser = "xxxx"; // user
$dbpass = "xxxxxx"; // password
$dbname = "vbdforum"; // forum name
/* Connect to db server and select database */
MYSQL_CONNECT($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) OR DIE("Unable to connect to database");
@mysql_select_db( "$dbname") or die( "Unable to select database");
/* Varibles to post */
$forumid="2"; // Forum number to post in
$iconid="1"; // Post icon
$tempsubject = "New Section ..";
$message="NewsBot shows signs of life.: \"NewsBot v.02\" More to come.";
$subject="NewsBot: ".$tempsubject;
$postusername = 'NewsBot'; // Existing Username
$userid='3'; // ID number of user (for profile)
/* Insert values into the THREAD table, retain threadid */
$sql = "INSERT INTO thread (threadid,title,lastpost,forumid,open,replycount,p ostusername,postuserid,lastpos ter,dateline,iconid,visible,attach) VALUES (NULL,'$subject','".time()."','$forumid','1','0',' $postusername','$userid','$pos tusername','".time()."','$iconid','1','0')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$threadid = mysql_insert_id();
/* Insert values into the POST able */
$sql = "INSERT INTO post (postid,threadid,title,username,userid,dateline,at tachmentid,pagetext,allowsmili e,showsignature,ipaddress,iconid,visible) VALUES (NULL,'$threadid','".addslashes($subject)."','".ad dslashes($postusername)."','$u serid','".time()."','$attachmentid','".addslashes( $message)."','$allowsmilie','$ signature','$ipaddress','$iconid','1')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$postid = mysql_insert_id();
/* Update the Post / Thread count in Forum */
$sql = "SELECT * FROM forum WHERE forumid='$forumid'";
$forum_query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$forum_row = mysql_fetch_Array($forum_query);
$sql = "UPDATE forum SET replycount=replycount+1,threadcount=threadcount+1, lastpost='".time()."',lastpost er='".addslashes($postusername)."' WHERE forumid IN ($forum_row[parentlist])";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo "process complete!";
===== End of Code =====