Originally Posted by sticky
Running fine on a heavily modified 4.1.7 suite
LOL @ heavily modified. I have coders telling me all the time not to have many mods due to how hard it is isolate a problem. But I find that I love the mods here. I had a SEO who came and worked on my site and he was not happy at all with all the plug-ins, he wanted to scrap them all. He said that all the developers here were not experienced and a lot of this stuff was just junk slowing down my forum. But I had no problems until he did upgrade, and I really didn't want to do the upgrade due to being worried about losing some important mods that both my members and staff have come to depend on.
So if it works on 4.1.7 does that mean it will work on 4.1.9? with vbseo? So many of the mods needs special rules for that vbseo. I sure hope all this is worth it for my forum, as things have been so stressful. That's why I ask in advance about these working.