Originally Posted by Jirinex
An importer from GARS should be TOP priority, otherwise is as good as nothing for a very big amount of forums.
Should be available at an extra cost of $25. Please note that this file will be encoded and locked by domain. The same applies to installation file for the main script. Other than this, all the core files are coming with 100% visible source code. I think that this is the best solution as you're having all the files with visible source code to modify them as you want, but from the other side it also protects my intellectual property by preventing multiple installation. Finally the installation files are one time use files.
--------------- Added [DATE]1325065354[/DATE] at [TIME]1325065354[/TIME] ---------------
Yesterday I spent my whole day installing vB3 and GARS. After lot of tests I realized why nobody wasted his time to build a bridge for it. The approach that Morgan has for rating (because this is the critical point), is, (always in my opinion) totally wrong. It's the first time that I've seen rating scale to be different per question in the same category. Even in different categories is not logic to have different rating scales.
Example: Let's say that you've a category for reviewing Software. In this category you've as rating questions:
- Features
- Design
- Usability
- Support
According to the way that GARS works, you can set Features to has rating 1-10, while in Design 1-5, Usability 1-7 etc etc.
Sure not all scripts are following the same scale. eg vB uses 1-5, iRater (as I seen) uses 1-10, I'm using 1-100 etc etc. But all scripts are using the same scale for all questions in all categories.
So the final point. The importer should works only if you used the default scale (1-5), or any scale (eg 1-10) but SAME for ALL questions, in ALL categories.
PS- There is a point that I haven't tested yet. To change the scale and then rebuild the ratings. If it changes accordinally the rating, should be ok, but you need to do an extra work before transfering data.