vBNavTabs v1.1.0:
Functionality & Added Features:
Fixed: A issue with tabs only showing one sub-link if their was more than one added. (Lite)
Fixed: A issue with dropdown tabs only showing one dropdown item if their was more than one added. (Lite)
Fixed: A missing phrase in the DB for title, which was showing a blank line when you went to Phrase Manager / Phrase Type in ACP (Lite/Pro)
Added: Ability to hide Global Search Box (Pro)
Added: Images for dropdown tabs (Pro)
Added: Images for dropdown items (Pro)
Added: Images for tabs with sub-links (Pro)
Added: Images for sub-links (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image for the vb default Home tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image for the vb default Forum tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image for the vb default Blogs tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image for the vb default What's New tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the DBT default vBActivity tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the DBT default vBArcade tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the DBT default vBCredits tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the DBT default vBDownloads tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the DBT default vBMail tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the DBT default vBQuiz tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the DBT default vBShop tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the DBT default Forumon RPG tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the DBT default Triple Triad tab (Pro)
Added: A images directory to stylevars, so you can have different images for different styles (Pro)
Added: A stylevar so you can control the padding around the sub-links so they are not so close together (Lite/Pro)
Added: A stylevar so you can control the minimum width of the dropdowns, as vB had the value hardcoded (Lite/Pro)
Added: Ability to have dropdown tabs pop open on hover (Lite/Pro)
Added: A stylevar so you can control the padding in between the images and the tab text, dropdown text and sub-link text (Pro)
Added: Ability to add rel="nofollow" to the tabs, dropdowns and sub-links URL's (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a Search Tab, similar to the vB default Search (Pro)
Added: Ability to add a image to the Search tab (Pro)
Added: Ability to hide the Search tab from guests (Pro)
Added: 8608 16x16 icons, 7399 22x22 icons and 7159 24x24 icons to the product from various sources.
These images are free for commercial use, and free to distribute under Various licenses which is a readme.txt file in the Icons folder.
The Icons are in the Do Not Upload folder, so it will save resources on your server.
Pricing does not include these images, as DBT is not selling them, only re-distributing them. (Pro)
Updated: readme.txt file with instructions for using the stylevars system with the Image Directory (Pro)
For Translation Purposes (Pro):
Removed: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_image_path
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_image_tab
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_image_droptab
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_image_dropitem
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_image_sublink
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_hide_search_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_hide_search_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_home_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_home_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_forum_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_forum_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_blog_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_blog_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_whats_new_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_whats_new_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_vbnavtabs_nofollow_title
Added: The phrase, setting_vbnavtabs_nofollow_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_vbactivity_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_vbactivity_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_arcade_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_arcade_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_credits_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_credits_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_downloads_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_downloads_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_mail_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_mail_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_quiz_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_quiz_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_shop_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_shop_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_forumon_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_forumon_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_triple_triad_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_triple_triad_image_desc
Added: The phrase, stylevar_popup_width_description
Added: The phrase, stylevar_popup_width_name
Added: The phrase, stylevar_vbnavtabs_image_padding_description
Added: The phrase, stylevar_vbnavtabs_image_padding_name
Added: The phrase, stylevar_vbnavtabs_popup_width_description
Added: The phrase, stylevar_vbnavtabs_popup_width_name
Added: The phrase, stylevar_vbnavtabs_sublink_padding_description
Added: The phrase, stylevar_vbnavtabs_sublink_padding_name
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_search
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_search_search
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_search_button
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_show_threads
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_show_posts
Added: The phrase, dbtech_vbnavtabs_advanced_search
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_search_tab_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_search_tab_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_search_tab_image_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_search_tab_image_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_guests_search_tab_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_guests_search_tab_desc
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_hover_menu_title
Added: The phrase, setting_dbtech_vbnavtabs_hover_menu_desc