Originally Posted by Max Taxable
Lots of them are due to widgets you're apparently planning to remove. At the link I provided, are details of each and every request. Lots of them are third party ones too, leaving you dependent upon the load speeds of these third parties, for your own pageload.
I removed the widgets that call for off site content.
--------------- Added [DATE]1324674001[/DATE] at [TIME]1324674001[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
- The logo... looks like you used a free font to generate it? Open it up in GIMP or some type of editor, now carefully cut out some of the skinny graffiti text from around the same letters... for example all the I's and N's you can see it prominently and only need it once per letter or remove all of it and only leave one little part to make it seem as if the painter "signed" the wall etc.
- Did anyone else mention that you should probably remove the clock and some of the widgets as they seem overbearing? 
- Figure out something and post a blog or disable it because there's nothing there currently, even if it's a Blog on why you feel the grass is greener in Kentucky just do something  .
I see a issue w/ my style in regards to the forum descriptions so check for a update in the next release and I will try to remember to PM you the fix as well  , also I did receive your PM about a critique of the site I've just been extremely busy as of late both work-wise and Christmas-everything wise so forgive me for not replying until now  .
I replaced the logo with one that has a simpler font. I also removed some of the widgets. I'll create a Blog on something so it's not empty.
I totally understand not answering a pm. This is a very busy time of year for folks that have a job/life. I'm a home bound disabled veteran but I do remember what it used to be like
Thanks for the critique, I'm pretty sure my site is headed in the right direction now.