Originally Posted by Allthumbz
Did you read my original question, or just ignore the link to post your biased opinions supporting this erm, mod?
Asking nicely, pointing the coder to the web host who can answer his questions, got NO response. Is that what you call support for a mod? I don't. I call it throwing up your hands and ignoring someone with a problem with the mod. The problem was beyond my ability to diagnose and required more information that only the web host could give him. I directed him in that direction and got dead silence. He didn't bother to contact my web host, just moved on like it didn't happen. That is BS.
It's BS because something that was offered free to you doesn't work exactly how you expected it to work, even though prerequisites are specifically stated? Why should Shawn have to contact your web host?
So far, I have downloaded and installed "DownloadsII", "PayPal Donation", "Newsletter" and one or two other mods without an issue. So obviously, I am capable of installing something that works.
Congrats? Obviously you never saw how mods used to have to be installed in early vBulletin days.
As for burning bridges gentleman, I uninstalled this piece of crap from my site a while ago because it didn't work, and I was getting no help from the coder. My users are still asking me for a member map for our site, particularly one that identifies the users by username. (They feel that the coder's "privacy issue" is no issue to them and want that option). I write in the hope that some talented coder can write one that works for me and most everyone else, and has the feature that you agree would be good to have and be able to toggle on/off.
Do you really expect someone to just give you a solution with an attitude like this? You come here with the expectation of getting things for free. You're also calling someone who has many people in the vBulletin community's utmost respect bad at what he does. I'm pretty sure Shawn knows more about vBulletin then the current vBulletin developers.
Time to sweep a mod that "works for some and not others" and is unsupported into the trash and come up with one the caliber of DownloadsII, PayPal Donation, Newsletter, etc that work when you install them. Not all of us are coders or techies to be able to diagnose and fix the bugs that prevent this desireable yet flawed piece of programming waste from functioning.
Wow. You don't need to be a coder to understand how something works. It's like winning a car and then getting mad at the person who gave it to you for not understanding that it needs gas, even though it's clearly understood that cars need gas.
When you've been involved with this community for as long as some of us have, spent tens of thousands of hours on your site, and/or thousands of dollars on custom modifications, servers, and everything else, then you maybe can complain a little bit. If anyone should be complaining here it should be Shawn for having to deal with shi**y people like you.