My first impression is good n professional. Nice logo. Not sure if its really applicable to Kentucky, but nice anyway.
The skin looks good to me.
There is a big white square where google maps is supposed to be (in the Kentucky region article). Something is not working there. I use FF8. EDIT: it loads after quite a long time. You might want to check that page out with firebug.
I dont like how the mp3 widget looks. Not sure if its meant to look Grey. When i click a song, I am taken to another site. No song.

The clock looks very nice, but whats the use?
Latest videos would look much better if the width would be wider. Now it looks cramped.
Accuweather loads slow.
Why no who's online?
Way too many forums to start off with. The problem with this is that if people start looking at your forums and many have no activity, then they are gone. You would do better with fewer forums, and expanding later.
It may be me, but I dislike the forum icon. (unless the particular image is part of Kentucky imagery)