^ If you create a new Default style, does the issue persist there?
I believe you've "edited too much" meaning that you mistakenly removed a required snippet of code no matter if it was in a actual template being code or css being a definition or perhaps you left a definition unclosed for example:
Normal tag:
<a href="http://www.google.com">This is a normal link click me!</a>
Broken Tag:
<a href="http://www.google.com">This is a normal link click me!</a
^ Note the missing > at the end of the broken tag.
Now here's a broken css definition:
Normal definition:
.myclass {
background: #ffffff url(images/misc/myimage.png) center center;
Broken definition:
.myclass {
background: #ffffff url(images/misc/myimage.png) center center;
Or another broken example:
.myclass {
background: #ffffff url(images/misc/myimage.png) center center
- The first one is missing the closing } "bracket" per say.
- The second well, look at it again... see how there's line breaks in a sense? If you have more than one characteristic in a definition you need to ensure you make breaks between the lines basically so on that one there should be a break of ; right after center center otherwise if only one characteristic you can leave out the break ; entirely
