In case you are migrating from VBSEO Likes to this mod, here are the SQLs you need to run to convert all the likes retroactively to thanks.
Those statements assume you want to add 1 reputation point for each Thanks given (retroactively)
insert into reputation (postid,userid,reputation,whoadded,reason,dateline) select l_contentid,post.userid,1,l_from_userid,'Thanked Post',l_dateline from vbseo_likes, post where l_contentid=postid
insert into post_thanks (userid,username,date,postid) values select l_from_userid,l_from_username,l_dateline,l_contentid from vbseo_likes;
update user set post_thanks_thanked_times = (select count(userid) from reputation where reputation.userid = user.userid) ;
update user set post_thanks_user_amount = (select count(userid) from reputation where reputation.whoadded = user.userid);
update user set post_thanks_thanked_posts = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT postid) from reputation where reputation.userid = user.userid);
update user set reputation = (select sum(reputation) from reputation where reputation.userid = user.userid)
update post set post_thanks_amount = (select count(postid) from reputation where reputation.postid = post.postid);