Originally Posted by DEGE
I searched inside this thread but couldn't find any clue for this...
How can I create a "Text only" banner (not Google related) where I can show some formated text (let's say a colored table) with some words, but keep it tracked and linked in the RBS?
I've tried adding the simple text, but it does not make hyperlink. Tried also adding html code hyperlink in the text area and works, but keeps no track.
Can you help me?
You need to format your text banner with valid HTML in order to to enable manually click tracking. The landing page must be defined as well and click tracking enabled.
XMas Bricolage: In order to see how it works, create an image banner with click tracking check its link and try to reproduce the same effect for your text banner.
I have also shown how to do this in this thread but at this point I cant' remember the post ID.