Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL
Uninstalled, but tagged for possible future use.
Even though I removed the connection and no one other than me ever used it .... vBSSO would every so often send me a small warning e-mail.
PHP WARNING: [2] fopen(/var/attachments/2/71.thumb): failed to open stream: No such file or directory on line 252 in file /var/www/forums/attachment.php. PHP 5.3.8-1~dotdeb.2 (Linux)
And sometimes
PHP WARNING: [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 210 in file /var/www/forums/includes/functions_threadedmode.php. PHP 5.3.8-1~dotdeb.2 (Linux)
I thought it was odd that vBBSO was sending me these e-mails (which there is an option for it to do) when I clearly wasn't even using it.
It looks like that these are vBulletin error reporting messages. Did you specify "Email Notifications Addresses" and enable "Email Notifications" at admincp -> vBSSO -> Logging & Notifications?