I installed the 2.0.2 Lite version on vBulletin 4.1.8 - had some earlier problems that I posted here, redid the FTP, seemed to have progressed further. But then I got this error message at the end of the installation, and a second error message every time I try to click on a post. The two error messages are below, one after the other. Please help - and if possible, guide me step by step on disabling whatever is causing this because I am a beginner and don't manage the vBulletin settings very well yet. Thanks. (for security, I crossed out on the error messages the name of my domain and username)
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.8:
Invalid SQL:
entry.userid AS sentuserid,
post.userid AS receiveduserid
FROM `dbtech_thanks_entry` AS entry
LEFT JOIN post AS post ON(post.postid = entry.contentid)
WHERE entry.entryid >= 0
LIMIT 250;
MySQL Error : Table '[my domain]_forum.dbtech_thanks_entry' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, December 18th 2011 @ 05:22:15 PM
Error Date : Sunday, December 18th 2011 @ 05:22:15 PM
Script :
http://[domain name]/forums/admincp/thanks.php?do=finalise&version=111
Referrer :
http://[domain name]/admincp/thanks.php?do=finalise&version=110
IP Address : [my hosting service's IP]
Username : [my username]
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.56
second error message, when I click on a post:
Fatal error: Class 'THANKS' not found in /home/[my domain]/public_html/forums/dbtech/thanks/hooks/showthread_query.php on line 24
OH, there's something. I didn't do the thanksimport.php step.
I see it there. It has 0 bytes, though. If I open it, it shows "empty."
How do I run it? I see it with my FTP client but I don't know how to run it.
Is it what is causing the error?
If not, is there a way to uninstall this mod without having to restore my entire database?