I have tested it with wordpress 3.3 and vb 4.1.9, it's working fine however I am facing some minor issues like:
- When we click on the logout option (both on vb and wordpress) it just redirects to a blank page and don't logout the user.
- If I manually do the logout using the vbulletin URL: login.php?do=logout then it just make the user logout from the vbulletin forum, user remains logged-in in the wordpress, I can't seem to find a solution for logging-out the user from WP.
Lastly, I thought that this plugin use the vbulletin to control the user access, but it don't work like this..all this addon do is just sync the vbulletin users with the wordpress, so for example if the ABCD user change his info in the vbulletin then he/she have to change his/her information the wordpress too (like email etc) :S am I right?