Chris, what are you talking about? I'm not sure I'm following. Anyway, no need for the edit anymore, I have added pay pal as I needed, however me and my coder have been scratching our heads trying to see why feedback is not being displayed correctly after our edits which I still haven't found a reason for btw. If anyone has any experience with this I could really use another opinion. Thanks.
P.s. Why are you all worked up about me finding help here? I asked you back in November to do a pay pal integration for me, but it wasn't in my budget; you then said that I should find someone else to do it so I have absolutely no idea where you're getting all of this from about "tricks" is it against your terms of service to have users fix your plugin or add features? If so, then why would you tell me to find another coder yourself when I asked about adding a feature? And what's this talk about me trying to sell anything? I'm not trying to sell anything at all I legitimately needed a second opinion from another coder to fix an issue. Im not trying to even give away my integration, nowhere in ANY of my posts does it even HINT at that. No one is trying to cheat you out of money, I fully intend to buy your premium version again once it launches, however I could not wait any longer to get some of the features I needed that are to be released in the next premium version so I am using something that allows me to launch my site and have something in place before your update goes live in January as you have said.