Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL
Installed and working
Although I did notice a few typing errors. Not the spelling per say, but rather a few words running into one another
Example.... On the Award tab, the description for The Community Award reads
Points for posting Visitormessages ....
Should be: Points for posting Visitor messages ....
A few other places here and there.
These are simply names of the awards and achivements, you can edit them via AdminCP.
Originally Posted by K!nG
Hi guys,
Well i know i have done it before or have seen it before and now i searched around but i can't seem to find out .... i need a lil bit of help. Right now my awards are currently showing under user name and i wants to bring them down with users activity and all that but i can't seem to find where to do the template edit for this and what will be the exact code that i have to move.. I want am attaching an image to make it more clear. Thanks.

Please check the settings, specially "Display award showcase in postbit?". There are a few locations that maybe fit your needs.
Originally Posted by ozione
i just upgraded to 4.1.0 RC and I get the following error when trying to recount experience points:
COUNT(*) AS count_threads,
SUM(votetotal/votenum) AS count_votes,
SUM(replycount) AS count_replycount,
SUM(views) AS count_views,
SUM(sticky) AS count_stickies
FROM vb4_thread
WHERE visible=1 AND forumid = 54
AND postuserid=2
AND thread.dateline > 315532800;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'thread.dateline' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, December 8th 2011 @ 10:27:48 AM
Error Date : Thursday, December 8th 2011 @ 10:27:49 AM
Script : http://www.xxx.xxx/vb4/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=xperience_admin_recount_xp
Referrer : http://www.xxx.xxx/vb4/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=recount
IP Address : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Username : xxx
Classname : vB_xxx
MySQL Version : 5.1.54-log
any help would be appriciated.
It seems you are using "Advanced_Forum_Points". Please install the attached product XML, replace existing.
Originally Posted by bryanb
Hi all,
I've been searching this threads for the past hour and haven't found the answer so forgive me if this has been asked already
I'm trying to customize the "Insight" page. I want other "Awards" listed besides the default "Most Active User" for the week, "Best Group", "Most achieved Achievement" etc. I want other awards or achievements to appear here. Is there something I need to modify in the php file, or can this be done via the administration functions? I can't find it.
thanks in advance!
There is no way to customize Insight. You would need to modify the xperience.php and the template "xperience_insight"