Version 2 is being kept simple just for gp. However I added a conveyor belt configured slideshow below the navbar in an ad location. Other than it jitters from time to time it works fine.
I am in the process of doing some experimenting wih it. The slideshow calls for static images you have to add in. So I tapped some of the thumbs I use for my wiki links and gave it a go. After changing the height and width of the slider the thumbs are seen in thier correct size, 250 x 188.
But the big experiment was whether or not the slider would work using a link to a rotate.php file I use for the forum sidebar. I have 2 folders in my ftp that get tapped for one of the forum sidebar. Using the links to those 2 folders I replaced the link in the slider setup with the path to both of the folders.
Now when you move around in the forum, 2 of the images change ramdomly. After I get some extra thumb folders setup I'll change the other 3 links so they change also.
Bottom line with this is when you move around or just refresh the browser, you get a whole new set of images to see.
So what do you folks think?