I didn't think about placing the code directly in the php file. Where do you feel is a good place for the code? Where I had the echo command?
And the second part is over my skill level. Thanks for the quick input.
Here is the code from my index file for the auction site, I know that I will need to add "auction/" in front of most of the directories so that it will be able to find it, but I will probably need a little help combining both php files, if someone could help me, I would be indebted to you!
define ('IN_SITE', 1);
define ('INDEX_PAGE', 1); ## for integration
if (!file_exists('includes/config.php')) echo "<script>document.location.href='install/install.php'</script>";
include_once ('includes/global.php');
include_once ('includes/functions_login.php');
include_once ('includes/functions_item.php');
if (stristr($_GET['option'], 'logout'))
include_once ('global_header.php');
if (isset($_GET['change_language']))
$all_languages = list_languages('site');
if (in_array($_GET['change_language'], $all_languages))
$session->set('site_lang', $_GET['change_language']);
$refresh_link = 'index.php';
$template_output .= '<br><p class="contentfont" align="center">' . MSG_SITE_LANG_CHANGED . '<br><br>
Please click <a href="' . process_link('index') . '">' . MSG_HERE . '</a> ' . MSG_PAGE_DOESNT_REFRESH . '</p>';
$template_output .= '<script>window.setTimeout(\'changeurl();\',300); function changeurl(){window.location=\'' . $refresh_link . '\'}</script>';
else if (isset($_GET['change_skin']))
$all_skins = list_skins('site');
if (in_array($_GET['default_theme'], $all_skins))
$session->set('site_theme', $_GET['default_theme']);
$refresh_link = 'index.php';
$template_output .= '<br><p class="contentfont" align="center">' . MSG_SITE_SKIN_CHANGED . '<br><br>
Please click <a href="' . process_link('index') . '">' . MSG_HERE . '</a> ' . MSG_PAGE_DOESNT_REFRESH . '</p>';
$template_output .= '<script>window.setTimeout(\'changeurl();\',300); function changeurl(){window.location=\'' . $refresh_link . '\'}</script>';
include_once ('global_mainpage.php');
include_once ('global_footer.php');
echo $template_output;