Originally Posted by KristerSwe
you can use this code in DBT Postbilt tabmod but need to remove some doublepost from postbit template... am playing with it right now
<dt>{vb:rawphrase artcount}</dt><dd>{vb:raw $post['artcount']}{vb:raw artvar}</dd>
Have you now got a count since you are trying to integrate it?
Originally Posted by Mr_Running
Yes, confirm mine reads zero - 0 - too!
Also it would be an improvement if it linked to the articles.
I installed this on a live board and it DID count the articles on install, how did you create your articles? was it through the CMS or was it by promoting a post to article?, also it will only count articles if you haven't changed the prefix from Article to something else, the best way to check is to run this in your admincp>maintainance>execute query:
HTML Code:
, COUNT(postusername) as count
WHERE title LIKE "Article:%"
AND postuserid =YOUR USERID
don't forget to change PREFIX for your forum database prefix so it would read something like "vb_thread" (without the quotes), and dont forget to insert your userid inplace of YOUR USERID.
When you run the query you will get a single row table, at the far right of the table will be the count row where your total amount of threads that have the prefix "Article:" in front of them, let me know the result.