Powered by vBulletin Version 4.1.8
Glossary Version 2.0.6
When we enter the Control Panel is a member of the white page.
Error code is:
PHP Fatal error: Access level to vB_Attachment_Store_vBGlossary_GlossaryEntry:: fetch_associated_contentinfo () must be protected (as in class vB_Attachment_Store) or weaker in / var / www / vhosts / risaleforum.net / httpdocs / packages / vbglossary / attach / glossaryentry.php on line 368 , referer:
Originally Posted by byalik
Attached are the 2 files my programmer edited to fix the issues:
/forum/packages/vbattach/attach.php and /forum/packages/vbglossary/attach/glossaryentry.php
I cannot guarantee this will work so back everything up. Also if you have any issues, I will not be able to help you.
You call when you have made changes to the control panel is introduced to members. But this time the error is added to the text attachments messages?
Please help?