I've started receiving the following message when guests submit the form:
Form failed to submit. The following error(s) occured:
The string you entered for the image verification did not match what was displayed.
The issue is there is no human verification field in the form - so there is nowhere to enter an answer.
When I add a human verification field the issue changes but is related. The verification appears but the form will submit and show that error if I enter the verification correctly - if I don't the normal inline warnings appear preventing submission.
In my ignorance I suspect VB is trying to add it's own verification image but it's not being displayed correctly. Can anyone confirm?
Tested with ReCAPCHTA and Image Verification
Running VB4.1.7 PL2 & VBSEO and mod version 4.3.0 on default VB theme.
Thank you for any assistance.
EDIT: Further digging reveals this was a previous issue I reported in 4.0.2 which was fixed - can anyone tell me what the fix was?
Post #143
EDIT2: Rolling back progressively found that forms V4.1.9 is the last working version for me. Forms V4.1.9 displays a verification image for guests by default - future versions don't.