Originally Posted by thenamesgould
Are you still looking at this one dartho? I tried changing it back to how it was because those <br />'s were appearing in people's posts and annoying me, but I must have done something wrong because now two text boxes are appearing! haha.
But I am happy to give you any more details if you need them. 
thenamesgould worked out how to reproduce this - it only happens when the user uses full WYSIWIG editor (as set in UserCP).
Found a template only way to resolve:
Edit the editor_ckeditor temaplte and replace contenst with:
HTML Code:
<div id="{vb:raw editorid}">
{vb:raw ckeditor}
<input type="hidden" name="wysiwyg" id="{vb:raw editorid}_mode" value="{vb:raw editortype}" />
Edit the lightweight.css.php file, search for:
and add immediately above:
.hidden {display:none;}
That should do it.
The following superceded by above, but kept here for reference
A quick fix is to add a plugin as follows:
Title: Lightweight Style - Set Editor Mode to Standard (bugfix)
Hook: style_fetch (there could be a better place, but this works)
Order: 5
PHP Code:
// Fixes bug were <br /> shows up in posts when user has Full WYSIWIG editor by overriding to text box only
If you have Lightweioght Style Options installed, you could add the code to the "Enter code here to disable addons" section of that rather than create a new plugin.
There is probably another way, and I'll look into it - but for those that want a fix now, tis is it.[/s]