Ok, I was trying to change "Script name for home page" from "Forum" to "Wrenching Wenches Garage Door" to try to work on making front page. See screen shot here.
Well what I did was damage the link.
When I click "Formu Home Page" on this screen...
I get this...
Instead of this...
I wanted the link named "Forum" here...
To be a portal, if I'm using that word correctly, that would be like a front door of sorts. A place for things like rotating images, forum statement and the such. CLEARLY I'm, an idiot. Sorry.
I wanted the link on the above screen shot named "Wrenching Wenches Motorcucle Network" to direct to the page the "Forum" USED to derect to before I broke it. That page looked like this...
But the sub-forums were collapsed.
Oh, and it broke the link when I click the Logo too....
Can you help me please.
What does this mean? "This option allows you to set the script name of the page that acts as your forum home page. By default this will be 'forum' (meaning forum.php but you may want to call it whatever else you like for your own purposes.
If you change this value you must manually rename the forum home PHP script to match the new value."
How do I "manually rename the forum home PHP script to match the new value."?