Hi i have buy a vb license today. I am a very newbie.
When i going to competition, i received this error:
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.8:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT cats.*, COUNT(DISTINCT tmnts.id) AS counttmnts, COUNT(DISTINCT ladders.id) AS countladders, COUNT(DISTINCT leagues.id) AS countleagues, pcat.title AS categorytitle2, pcat.title AS parenttitle
FROM tmnt_categories AS cats
LEFT JOIN tmnt_categories AS pcat
ON (cats.parentid = pcat.catid)
LEFT OUTER JOIN tmnt_tmnts AS tmnts
ON (cats.catid = tmnts.catid)
LEFT OUTER JOIN tmnt_ladders AS ladders
ON (cats.catid = ladders.catid AND ladders.league = 0)
LEFT OUTER JOIN tmnt_ladders AS leagues
ON (cats.catid = leagues.catid AND leagues.league > 0)
GROUP BY cats.catid
ORDER BY cats.parentid DESC, cats.displayorder ASC, cats.title ASC;
MySQL Error : Table 'mm_vb.tmnt_categories' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Monday, December 5th 2011 @ 11:35:13 PM
Error Date : Monday, December 5th 2011 @ 11:35:13 PM
Script : http://localhost:8888/blog/competitions.php
Referrer : http://localhost:8888/blog/forum.php
IP Address : ::1
Username : ****
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.9
Thank you