Originally Posted by K!nG
You can read these steps and see if that's something u wants to do.
Protect the following folders with .htacess: install (it shouldn't b there at all) - admincp - modcp.
Update vBulletin to the lasted version and use only trusted nulled vb versions.
Use a Random Password Generator.
Update Your Server Software APACHE/MYSQL/PHP/etc.
Remove the vB version on the footer and archive
Give only Trusted users High Ranks
Scan your PC of Viruses with a good Anti Virus Like Kaspersky,Anti Vir.
Dont Download every file what someone sends you.
Dont install mods/hacks that are not trusted or modfied by a unknown coder.
Dont use BETA/ALPHA vBulletin versions on a running online site.
Chmod Config Files 777 Rest Files 644
Configure your Server and Update it against known attacks: DDos etc.
Here are few most important changes for php-savvy admins to do (or forum system programmers to initiate) are:
Use a Protected Server network Firewall - Reserve Proxys etc.
unique names for admin control panel on every installation.
unique names for the core member database table on every installation.
unique names for the password field of the member database on every installation.
custom MD5 hashes for posting to the forum to authenticate a logged-in session (prevent spamming and automated posting scripts without using a captcha).
you are wrong about the install folder