Ok, I have a new issue with this.
I seems that with this plugin enabled, I am unable to SOFT DELETE posts. Not threads, just posts. Perm Deletes work fine.
A little more info. When I do a soft delete, i get a FATAL ERROR message. I traced it to into the editpost.php, and near the bottom it passes the $foruminfo array into the DM class in order to decrement the reply_count by one. When it makes the call to the method "set_existing()", the fatal error occurs, that the value passed is not an array.
Disabling the plugin makes the error go away.
For grins, I added a line of code:
"$foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo($threadinfo['forumid'], false);"
right before the line that is crashing. This fixes the issue also.
But, something in the plugin is killing the $foruminfo array which is filled at the beginning of editpost.php and changed in one of the hooks this plugin is using.
I may research more, I may not. Ive been staring at this code for 8 hours now, which is how i found this much so far.
Anyone else have a similar issue?