Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
Can this mod take over the registration page? So no one can register anymore using the original/normal registration page? So people go to register.php and they have to login/register using steam. I'd also like to see the feature that only administrators can unlink people's account, rather than the user.
It is not intended to replace the vBulletin registration system. The mod is made to extend the current one.
You could however set vbulletin to put new registered users in another usergroup and move them to the registered usergroup as soon as they linked their useraccount. This would require some coding however.
Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
PS.. Is there anyway that already registered usersgroups can be forced to another usergroup if they use steam login?
Depending on your PHP skills, you could simply add a line to the link process code, which puts the user into an additional usergroup. If you can't do this on your own, send me a PM i might find some time to help you out with it.
Originally Posted by wtfaatp
Hey disaster you figure anything out about the steam ID problem when an admin auto links the accounts?
Not yet, in all cases where I modified the steamid manually, it worked without problems.
I got the algorithm from steam friend id => steam64 id from this page:
Maybe there's a bug in the code itself?
Sorry, can't reproduce it... if all else fails and they're only a few, you can edit the steam64 id manually in the vbulletin user table.