Is their a way to stop the shoutbox code loading on every page even though it's not visible to guests?
i'm trying to reduce the page load time of my site and even though the shoutbox is only visible to members on my front page the code still loads on other pages for example:
vbshout.js?v=547 71.9 kB
vbshout-smiley.js?v=547 6.8 kB
vbshout-color.js?v=547 7.2 kB
vbshout-font.js?v=547 6.0 kB
vbshout-fontstyle.js?v=547 4.3 kB
vbshout-sound.js?v=547 5.0 kB
vbshout-size.js?v=547 6.0 kB
are all loading on every page even though the shoutbox isn't visible