Originally Posted by phpdesk
Thanks, I hope someone closer to the core vB code could stop by and tell us what we're missing about the [img] bbcode support here.
I came up with a workaround until the [img] bbcode is fixed.
I made a custom bbcode called "Picture" just for the sole purpose of allowing images with this addon.
Custom BBCode Settings:
Title: Picture
BB Code Tag Name: pic
<img src="{param}" />
Disable Automatic Link Parsing: YES
You can see an example on my forum:
Images can stretch out past the right border of the Profile Intro with the above code. My forum has a fixed width of 1000px, so I edited the bbcode to resize an image wider than the width allowed by the Profile Intro box.
<img src="{param}" style="max-width: 698px;
/* Resize the image for IE6 */
width: expression(this.width > 698 ? 698: true);" />
Replace the
RED text with the size you want.