Originally Posted by GaryT
Where do I change the css for the white blocks shown on the attached image?
Use the new file, see the modification post above for a download link. Basically I was unaware of how exporting a style changed a few versions ago and that was the reason why for example you see odd colors on your blog but I never, ever did

Updated on 11/28/2011
- Updated for 4.1.8, fixing double comma issues.
- Corrected CMS and Blog styling issues, style now requires a three part install of .xml files, one for the Forum, one for CMS, and Blog.
To install the 4.1.8 Version:
1) Upload the contents of the UPLOAD Folder.
2) If for example you want the Fixed style installed then import the file:
*Please note, if you do not use the vBulletin Suite and have the Forum Classic version you only need to install the file vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml.
a) Import the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml file first.
b) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-CMS.xml (Options when uploading a style allow you to merge into a existing style, choose to merge this into the new style you just created using the Forum.xml.
c) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Blog.xml into the style, this has now updated the style for all three major products and the installation is complete!
3) Enjoy!
Updated Forumhome screenshot for 4.1.8:
Edit: Also GaryT, quite a bit changed in the 4.1.8 version...
- The backgrounds are now split, meaning you can do a custom background of your own yet the top blue bar w/ the logo in it will remain on top.
- Logo no matter what size (as long as it's not above 155px in height) will always center, if you upload a 250px by 55px logo for example it will be centered in the top portion of the header vertically and horizontally.
- Added more shadow effects.
- Fluid version now uses %'s instead of left and right margin set to auto, so the main site is 90% and the side margins are 5% each.
- Fixed Double Comma issues.
- Updated CSS.
So what I'm telling you in advance basically is, it's too much to list considering my workload for the rest of the day and I'm not interested in providing a changelog so you may want to install then customize this version to suit if your already on 4.1.8
