Originally Posted by Gemma
I think you should stick to trying to fix your product instead of slagging off the competition....don't forget the other arcades both work, are arguably better and FREE. I'd respect you more and expect better from a 'company' if you didn't come out with sh*t like this.
I think that's a bit of an overreaction there Gemma, though as a fellow Scot I'll put it down to our fiery nature =P.
I don't think John meant what you're reading into his comment there to be honest, I read it as a throwaway good luck elsewhere with individual support if you are uncomfortable with allowing developers access to debug issues.
Either way, to clear up any possible misconceptions and make our position official: Our feedback from users has not at any point indicated the support for Gemma's mods is poor compared to other mods on vBulletin.org. We have no reason to believe the support of her mods is in any way, shape or form bad or lacking, and while I can't speak from personal experience of her work anyone who has worked on a mod as long as she has deserves praise =).
Obviously we'd argue about the better part though! =D