Originally Posted by mrbreeze
i don't think this helped me.. i got a 59 for my site.. i must've installed something wrong.
Combining images into sprites is good for only a small portion of your total page speed score. With a 59 you should be looking at many other improvements. I added Xcache and mod_deflate (instead of vB gzip option) and I do have a score of 96 now.
Originally Posted by tme_power
Pls make an update for vbb 4.1.8
Yes pls do. :up:
I didn't run the Refresh option after upgrading to 4.1.8 and it still works fine. Just make sure the upgrade doesn't wipe your template modifications if you made them manually.
Originally Posted by addamroy
So can i do that? Install TMS just to make this add-on install easier then uninstall TMS?
Sounds like a bad idea. I'm not really familiar with TMS but I think if you remove TMS you remove the template modifications as well. It's not as hard as it seems to make those modifications manually, plus you can test them out every time you changed a template before moving on to the next.