Just a quick note to that vb_Types error, that is this line:
$article_type = vb_Types::instance()->getContentTypeID("vBCms_Article");
For our board the article content type id is 18. That might be different for your board, check your database and then change it to the number like this
$article_type = 18;
But that aside if you do want to use it in the cms anyway, why don't you use the php-eval content type (to have that in your content selector you need to activate html for your usergroup, yeah that is confusing)? Or create a bunch of subsections where you want to have it?
That template way is for sites not in the cms, like forumhome or external php files (files like this:
http://www.united-forum.de/external/.../membermap.php - in the framework using the template system, but link leads to a php file, no slider on that example though).
edit: btw. you might want to change the variable name $output to something else in a global plugin. That might colide with $output variables vbulletin is using. Rename it everywhere to $slider_output or something.