Originally posted by Vivi Ornitier
hey Fireflu, i'm having troubles getting the colors inside the quote box to be a different color. Right now, i think it's automatic cell color and it's just the same as the cell color that I posted in. I tried editing the replacement values and such but it still doesn't work, i tried manually inserting a hex color in the #D7D7D7 place but still nothing, can u plz tell me what ihave to edit, the color i'm trying to insert is something like #167D24
Its basically the same with Vivi. I added the hack, but the boxes dont become a different color. I added the replacement values, but it doesnt seem to do anything. See attachment for what Im getting at.
Also, im not sure if its supposed to be like this, but if I quote a post that has a quote, I only get the text quoted, not the original quote. Nesting I think its called? Its in the shot.
And lastly, do I replace the other vB code for things like PHP etc?