Getting a strange error that I think is related to VBSEO. I searched the thread but didn't see a solution.
It's partially within DownloadsII and partially with the Create Threads add-on.
When I upload a file, it uploads file and then when it goes to load the page for the newly added file and it kicks out the "Invalid File ID Specified" error.
The URL it tries to load is similarly structured to the example below:
The issue extends to the Thread Creation addon-on since it lists the same URL structure above in the newly created thread.
If I navigate through the DownloadsII directory to the file directly, it displays the URL structure below and the page loads fine:
The only difference is & vs &. Odd thing is that pre-SEO the URL is /forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=170 within the DLII directory and in the thread created. It has something to do with VBSEO no parsing the & when uploading a file and when in the thread.
Any ideas?