I tried asking this on DBtechs Post Thank you mod because that is the mod I have installed however he replied saying that it is your mod. I am really confused and I just need an answer and help. I originally posted this:
I'm having bit of a problem and I don't know if should post here or create a new thread...
Basically I am getting a report just from one user, no one else, saying that every time he tries to go to the forums page; he receives a database error. Now I keep receiving emails about it since I get an email every time a database error occurs. This is what he see's and I receive:
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT userid, usergroupid, displaygroupid, username, posts, post_thanks_thanked_times
FROM user AS user
WHERE post_thanks_thanked_times > '0' AND user.usergroupid NOT IN (17, 3)
ORDER BY post_thanks_thanked_times DESC
LIMIT 0, 10;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'post_thanks_thanked_times' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Monday, November 14th 2011 @ 08:08:31 PM
Error Date : Monday, November 14th 2011 @ 08:08:31 PM
Script : http://www.MYWEBSITE.com/forum.php
Referrer :
IP Address : ***.***.***.***
Username : USERNAME
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.56
The stuff in red I just made red to indicated what I changed in the error to protect identity. The rest is directly what I and him received.
Now I am replying here because the error mentions post_thanks_thanked_times so my first thought is that it is an error relating to this script/mod. HOWEVER I don't think this script/mod is interfering with anything because I actually temporarily disabled the entire mod in plugins manager and he was still receiving the database error. He said it first started when he received a notification that he received a Like/Thanks and when he clicked the notification it happened. Basically he can see the home page; his profile, and all other pages EXCEPT for the /forum.php area; so basically the forums is the only area he can't access and when he tries he gets this error. Basically I made him register a new account and everything is working fine now on his new account however I feel like I should still bring this up because he has over 500 posts and I feel it kinda sucks to see or have him just kinda restart...
So my questions are
1) Does anyone know what is up with this?
2) Is this related or tied into this plugin/mod and any way to fix? It is strange to see only this 1 person is having this problem.
Thanks for the feedback!
I just had another user run into this problem and now both are unable to get into the forums section.