Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has said that he is going to filibuster the legislation if he needs to. -- Fill out this form to urge your lawmakers to oppose Internet censorship ? and ask Senator Wyden to read your name during his filibuster.
Last week was amazing. More than 1,000,000 people spoke out against Internet censorship.
But the threat still looms large: We hear that there could be a vote in the Senate right after Thanksgiving.
There's a good chance the legislation will pass, but Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) says he'll do all he can to stop it -- and he wants our help -- visit for more details.
Check out this message he just recorded for Demand Progress members:
Wyden says he'll even filibuster the legislation if he needs to. Sometimes filibusters last hours -- or days -- leaving Senators reading out of the dictionary or cookbooks to pass the time. But we've got a much better idea:
What better way to demonstrate our strength than to ask Senator Wyden to read our names into the record during his filibuster? He's agreed to read censorship opponents' names from the floor of the Senate, and to try to enter the rest into the Congressional Record.
Just click here to stand with Senator Wyden and ask him to read your name on the floor of the Senate, as a proud opponent of censorship.
Have a great holiday -- and rest up so we can press forward hard next week.