Originally Posted by nhawk
Nice Add-on!
If you aren't using the first post ad location, that's a great place to put this..
Edit the QR Code plugin and put this code at the end BEFORE the }..
$template_hook['share_this_thread'] = $threadinfo['qr'];
Also, change the hook from showthread_complete to showthread_postbit_create
Then in ACP->Advertising, click Add New Ad, select 'Thread' and click on First Post Content.
Title: Share This Thread
<div align="center">Share This Thread<br />
{vb:raw template_hook.share_this_thread}</div>
Active: Yes
Click Save and you're all set.
You may need to edit ad_margin, ad_padding and ad_maxWidth in stylevars for it to display properly.
For those of you who dislike editing templates or files, but want to use the above alternative
This file will do it for you and you will not need to edit anything.