Originally Posted by qpurser
- Your mod doesn't create a link to the "productforums.php" page.
Correct. Every site is different so we leave it up to you to decide where you want it to be linked too.
Originally Posted by qpurser
- We have a closed membership forum and "adding an new product" doesn't really need a "approval" from the mods. Can this be turned off?
You're the first to ask so it's not a feature option. Making the change however would be simple... If you want the raw code edits let me know.
Originally Posted by qpurser
- I might have understand the instructions wrong but I created a dedicated forum for the "product reviews" and added the id from this forum in the Cpanel. This doesn't mean if somebody posts a new thread in this forum it will be added automatically to your mod. Correct? but users have to go via the link in the "productforums.php" page?
When you designate a forum as a product-forum area, threads can be created with product data but do not have to be created this way. The new thread button will still trigger normal posting [if enabled at all] while a link to productforums.php start the new product.
Most installs turn off posting in that forum and use the link in productforums.php to startup products since this is not a common task. Reviews are started from within a product thread.