Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
Please do not cross post to both vb3 and vb4 as we rely on the thread to determine basic information about a persons forum so we can test reported issues more reliably. Thanks
Hi Im having a lot of problems when I install your mods, I recentrly installed 1.User status and moods and 2.Posbit Tabs , when I try to access to the cp , I get errors like these Fatal error:
Class 'DBTSTATUS' not found in /home/slammz/public_html/dbtech/status/actions/admin/category.php on line 31
Fatal error: Class 'DBTSTATUS' not found in /home/slammz/public_html/dbtech/status/actions/admin/mood.php on line 15
Fatal error: Class 'STATUS_CACHE' not found in /home/slammz/public_html/dbtech/status/actions/admin/repaircache.php on line 22
and for Postbit Tabs these ones
Fatal error: Class 'POSTBITTABS' not found in /home/slammz/public_html/dbtech/postbittabs/actions/admin/tab.php on line 32
Fatal error: Class 'POSTBITTABS' not found in /home/slammz/public_html/dbtech/postbittabs/actions/admin/view.php on line 19
Fatal error: Class 'POSTBITTABS_CACHE' not found in /home/slammz/public_html/dbtech/postbittabs/actions/admin/repaircache.php on line 22