Originally Posted by MadMakz
Thanks! Marked as installed, though, i haven't actually installed this code since i'm not running the Suite.
I've stripped and modded the code a little and use it in the forums sidebar and felt to just share it here.
demo: http://community.cgx24.com/forum.php
small and simple error handling for if steamcommunity's webservers are out of order:
PHP Code:
if($http_response_header[0] != "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"){ return "<div class=\"blockrow\">Steamcommunity appears to be down.</div>"; }
PHP Code:
preg_match('#<h1>(.+)</h1>#sU', $url, $aMatches);
btw: it might be good idea to redo the whole mod using steamcommunities webapi. it's way more lightweight an easier to handle.