Originally Posted by Ted S
The script doesn't do this, you'd have to either build it yourself or make a manual mapping through htaccess to trick things.
For example, you can edit the plugin to output a second variable, {vb:raw urltitle} which runs through the php function urlencode() first or which has spaces and special characters removed / converted.
$product['urltitle'] = str_replace(" ", "-", $product['title']); // spaces become dashes
$product['urltitle'] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\_\- ]/", '', $product['urltitle']); // removes anything but letters, numbers, dashes and underlines
Thanks Ted - will give it a shot.
On another note, is there any possibility of expanding the search options to search for all relevant keywords in the description as well? For example, at the moment a user can search by title, but say they were looking for reviews of a particular product type, say Black Television, or Smart phone - and these words aren't included in the title, then they don't appear in the search or filter results - it's not the best user experience.
Additionally, allowing a user to sort reviews by say price, or popularity (views) or # of reviews, or even newest first would also be helpful.