Originally Posted by downloadsuk
Hi Ted - I must admit, I am struggling with this. I can find the links, but I am not sure which variable I need to add in order for the product name to be added to the URL - using {vb:raw title} for example causes the URL to have a number of spaces in it - which is obviously messy.
The script doesn't do this, you'd have to either build it yourself or make a manual mapping through htaccess to trick things.
For example, you can edit the plugin to output a second variable, {vb:raw urltitle} which runs through the php function urlencode() first or which has spaces and special characters removed / converted.
$product['urltitle'] = str_replace(" ", "-", $product['title']); // spaces become dashes
$product['urltitle'] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\_\- ]/", '', $product['urltitle']); // removes anything but letters, numbers, dashes and underlines
Originally Posted by downloadsuk
Will you be adding the option for custom fields? It's the main thing holding me back from adding hundreds/thousands of products with the bulk upload.
Assuming the mod keeps picking up use, yes, we will be.
Originally Posted by downloadsuk
Also, speaking of the bulk upload - do you have any data mapping services you would recommend? It's taking me quite a long time to organise the data in Excel and then format it to the required XML format. I know you mentioned before that CSV upload wasn't an option - but this would be a million times easier.
CSV is a pain to parse as you're counting by the number of comma separated items, not the element names. That means you still have to build the structure, but if you mess up with a single column or special character, the row is skipped or, as is so often the case, gets brought in incorrectly.
I'm sure there's a tool that can convert out from CSV and over to XML easily.
Originally Posted by downloadsuk
Finally, I know we spoke before about mass editing - I'm concerned that with all the data being uploaded, it is likely to change on a regular basis - could an option be created whereby if a product is added with a matching SKU to a previous product, then it overwrites the previous fields?
Right now the XML importer throws away duplicates but we can certainly have it update records instead keying off of a UPC / SKU / title match.