thanks for this post
helped out .
I still have issues with forum home and post bit posted above I need to work out why the cards dont show on mouse over .. forum hom on the name .. and the postbit link same issue with mosue over and no card showing..
both show a error after mouse over..
any more help would be greatly appreciated
been fixing all kinds of stuff on mod would be nice for a update..
Originally Posted by GamerPerfection
Thank you very much Gryphon and Travis641.
Nominated for MOTM.
There were a couple of template issues which i've resolved. In the main template (even after revert) the Reputation header was not like the others, it was unformatted, and wasn't able to sort in order etc.
You had the Reputation code as:
<th {vb:rawphrase reputation}</th>
So i changed it to:
<th><a href="gxboxlive.php?page={vb:raw pagenumber}&sortfield=n&sortorder={vb:raw oppositesort}" class="blocksubhead" style="text-align:center;">{vb:rawphrase reputation}<vb:if condition="$sortfield == 'n'"> <img class="sortarrow" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/sortarrow-{vb:raw oppositesort}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase reverse_sort_order}" border="0" /></vb:if></a></th>
It needed the blockhead tag to make it appear like the others.
[S]The only thing on mine I haven't got to work is that the reputation comes up as a number, i.e. 20 not the stars image. Haven't figured that one out yet.[/S]
Ignore that about the stars, they are gradually appearing as it updates. :up:
P.S. I'd like to give my personal apology to Travis641 for my attitude. It was unnecessary and uncalled for.