ill also add, like any other company if vb start making descent money their next board vb3 will not be as advanced as you would of hoped, because they would wanna cut costs and get it out as quick as possible i.e. ubb. soon another board will come along, that will be more advanced and cheaper, i think phpbb is looking very impressive and its free, do you see the point im tyring to make? by making vb more money, by trying to stop the warez, you are just pushing future vb hackers into cheaper things i.e. phpbb, lets face it, your a very clever person, but there are cleverer people out there than you, and they are young, and still learning, im 18, how am i supposed to learn how to hack a board, and learn php if everyong is trying to charge me all the time? i just wanna learn, for my own benefit.