Not a day goes by where I don't wish I was still in the military. For those of you still serving or retired, etc., I want to thank you. For those of you who are currently in the military "because of the uniform" or just don't want to be in the military, I pity you, and hope you get out. I spent 6 years of my life just trying to get IN the military and was held up either because of my weight (I was (and still am) underweight), or from an injury where I didn't even have full ROM in my right ankle, which took the longest time to heal and get my full ROM back. Long story short, I then spent about 1 1/2 years in the military before I started having chest pains. I had my chest pains first looked at when I got to my ultimate duty station at 2d Med Bn, Camp Lejeune, NC, and underwent quite an array of different tests to find out that I have a heart problem, which can only be corrected by surgery (which the Navy did not want to perform). I fought hard to try and stay in the military, having gone through the Med Board, LIMDU, etc, only to be Administratively Discharged for "Condition, Not a disability" 5 days prior to my 2 year mark, and awarded 0% disability (for now). So, unlike those that would give anything to be OUT of the military right now, I would give ANYTHING to be back IN the military. But, I am now, and always will be, a proud Veteran of the United States Navy.
Happy Veterans Day! Thanks for serving! Thanks for reading!

(Image created by me)