Originally Posted by Phalynx
This is an achievement, it will be replaced by other achievements that are higher. Once again, you need to recalc achievements.
You are NOT understanding what I am telling you.
I have RECALCULATED THE Achievements more than 15 TIMES. I am using the DEFAULT achievements that came with it.
IT IS NOT UPDATING CORRECTLY despite the fact that the recalculation has been done, unless there is a DIFFERENT way of "recalculating".
AdminCP> Experience> Recount> Assign Achievements - does not fix the issue.
AdminCP> Experience>Manage Achievements> Clear ALL Issued Achievements & Logs THEN going back and recounting STILL DOES NOT WORK.
It DOES NOT Update properly. Members that have been online for more than 3 years should be showing as veterans and ALL Members are showing as 7 days Registered.
I get how it's SUPPOSED to work, the point is, it DOESN'T work.
According to other posts- these points are based off what is entered in the points field - so, if you go to AdminCP> Options> Experience> Experience Points> scroll down to "Points for Days Online" - I am using the value of .25
THEN- if you go BACK to AdminCP> Experience> Manage Achievements> USER-
[7 days registered] 7 days registered (Edit) > Conditions> Should be 1.75 (for 7 days)
[31 days registered] 31 days registered (Edit)> Conditions > Should be 7.75 (31 days)
[3 months registered] 3 months registered (Edit)> Conditions > should be 22.50 (for 3 months/ 90 days)
[1 year registered] 1 year registered (Edit)> conditions> should be 91.25 (for 365 days)
But these values do not work any better than the default values, which don't work at all, incidentally.If you go intot he user profile and look at the join date it says July of 2008- but if you look at "Days since registering" under points (in the same user profile) it says 17.