Originally Posted by Tourmeister
Here's one that won't convert. It just displays the link and if I click it, it does load the correct video.
Working on
my installation. You said you have the most recent update, right? Only thing we can do is try to double check all your settings. Make sure
Disable New items is set to
No, resync your File Cache, etc,.
Originally Posted by SBlueman
I don't get a video embedded when I post a url from there, I just get a link.
So far all the links I tested are still embedding. Can I see some of the links your using?
Originally Posted by Panosz
Is the flickr definition going to work anytime soon?
I try to update definitions as often as I can, provided people keep me up to date on sites that have stopped working. But the nature of my life prevents me from setting down an actual timeline.