Originally Posted by Mooff
That does need time. Took 2 weeks on our board until the activity values started to make sense. I guess it does use an average of some kind (never cared to check the code) and if you have data for 2 days, but want a 60 day average the function just returns rubbish.
Yes, Ours is working fine now, but took several days as well before the number were correct.
Originally Posted by Phalynx
Seems you have some errors with the Project Tools CDP. Please reinstall the vBExperince plugin for Project Tools.
Thank you but I'm not actually using that plugin. The error seemed to start after I edited the "Bug Hunter First Class" under Achievements.
So after seeing your note, I went back and clicked on "Add default/missing achievements" (at the bottom of the Achievements Page in admincp.
It's too early to tell whether it's fixed or not, should know within the hour.
Originally Posted by hdan32  Hi. I install this module, it's very nice. But 80% who have registred more than 3 years ago have Achievements 7 days registered. Why ? )
Did you run the achievements recount? The 7 days achievement is beeing replaced by higher version, if the recount can run till the end.
I can confirm this issue as well, as it is occurring on my site too. Yes, I did run the achievements recount and it didn't change the 7 day achievement issue.