Originally Posted by djbaxter
One problem: The option to hide "What's Going On" / "Who's Online" isn't working for me (4.1.7), whether I'm logged in or viewing as a Guest.
Edit the FORUMHOME template, search for
HTML Code:
<!-- what's going on box -->
and replace with
HTML Code:
<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->options['ls_whats_on']">
<!-- what's going on box -->
then search for (near end of template)
HTML Code:
<div class="oldwindowbg">{vb:raw upcomingevents}</div>
{vb:raw footer}
and replace with
HTML Code:
<div class="oldwindowbg">{vb:raw upcomingevents}</div>
{vb:raw footer}